Star shot putter Inderjeet Singh and half-miler Jinson Johnson bagged a gold each as Indians won eight medals at the first leg of the Asian Athletics Grand Prix Series. Inderjeet heaved the iron ball to a distance of 19.83m to easily win the gold in men’s shot put at the National Stadium in Bangkok. Though Inderjeet could not touch the 20m-mark, his effort was enough to place him on top spot in a mediocre field as India made a rich harvest of two gold, one silver and five bronze medals in the first of the three legs of the Asian Grand Prix Series. This was Inderjeet’s second gold in an international event this month, having won the shot put event at the Asian Championships in Wuhan, China on June 3. Ankit Sharma won a silver in men’s long jump with an effort of 7.78m, while Rajiv Arokya and M R Poovamma bagged a bronze each in men’s and women’s 400m races with timings of 46.86 secs and 53.51 secs, respectively. Srabani Nanda and Gayathry Govindraj then won a bronze each in women’s 100m dash and 100m hurdles in 11.58 secs and 13.72 secs, respectively. Source: Sports TV
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